Asimudeen Sahabudeen



Hello! I’m a Data Enthusiast with a passion for uncovering insights from raw information and using them to drive decision-making and innovation. What fuels my enthusiasm for data? It’s the thrill of diving deep into datasets, the challenge of transforming complex patterns into understandable insights, and the satisfaction of seeing those insights inform strategic decisions. I believe that in our data-driven world, the ability to interpret and utilize data is not just a skill, but a language that every industry should speak. Beyond my love for data, I’m an adventurer at heart. I’m always on the lookout for new challenges and learning opportunities, whether that’s mastering a new data visualization tool or exploring a new city.
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This is a simple exploratory data analysis on 5 stocks (AAPL, MSFT, GOOGL, META & JFU) - prediction, correlation, and risk assesmennt, using python libraries and machine learning algorithms.

Import libraries

# Import necessary libraries
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import timedelta
import seaborn as sns
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose

Define the tickers

# Define the stocks to be fetched
symbols = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'GOOGL', 'META', 'JFU']

# Fetch stock data from Yahoo Finance
data =,'2020-01-01','2023-09-01')
            Adj Close                                                Close  \
                 AAPL      GOOGL    JFU        META        MSFT       AAPL   
2020-01-02  73.249023  68.433998  190.0  209.779999  155.093674  75.087502   
2020-01-03  72.536896  68.075996  190.0  208.669998  153.162460  74.357498   
2020-01-06  73.114883  69.890503  190.0  212.600006  153.558380  74.949997   
2020-01-07  72.771034  69.755501  190.0  213.059998  152.158279  74.597504   
2020-01-08  73.941658  70.251999  187.0  215.220001  154.581924  75.797501   

                                                      ...       Open  \
                GOOGL    JFU        META        MSFT  ...       AAPL   
Date                                                  ...              
2020-01-02  68.433998  190.0  209.779999  160.619995  ...  74.059998   
2020-01-03  68.075996  190.0  208.669998  158.619995  ...  74.287498   
2020-01-06  69.890503  190.0  212.600006  159.029999  ...  73.447502   
2020-01-07  69.755501  190.0  213.059998  157.580002  ...  74.959999   
2020-01-08  70.251999  187.0  215.220001  160.089996  ...  74.290001   

                                                              Volume  \
                GOOGL         JFU        META        MSFT       AAPL   
2020-01-02  67.420502  187.000000  206.750000  158.779999  135480400   
2020-01-03  67.400002  182.199997  207.210007  158.320007  146322800   
2020-01-06  67.581497  184.199997  206.699997  157.080002  118387200   
2020-01-07  70.023003  196.199997  212.820007  159.320007  108872000   
2020-01-08  69.740997  186.059998  213.000000  158.929993  132079200   

             GOOGL   JFU      META      MSFT  
2020-01-02  27278000  2780  12077100  22622100  
2020-01-03  23408000    30  11188400  21116200  
2020-01-06  46768000   225  17058900  20813700  
2020-01-07  34330000  4465  14912400  21634100  
2020-01-08  35314000   520  13475000  27746500  
[5 rows x 30 columns]

Moving averages and Relative Strength Index

# Calculate moving averages and RSI for each stock symbol
for symbol in symbols:
    # Calculate 14-day RSI
    delta = data['Close'][symbol].diff()
    up, down = delta.copy(), delta.copy()
    up[up < 0] = 0
    down[down > 0] = 0
    average_gain = up.rolling(window=14).mean()
    average_loss = abs(down.rolling(window=14).mean())
    rs = average_gain / average_loss
    data[symbol+'_RSI'] = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))

    # Calculate 50-day moving average
    data[symbol+'_MA50'] = data['Close'][symbol].rolling(window=50).mean()

    # Calculate 200-day moving average
    data[symbol+'_MA200'] = data['Close'][symbol].rolling(window=200).mean()
# Predict for the next 'n' days using linear regression, decision tree regressor, and random forest regressor
forecast_out = 30

# Create another column shifted 'n' units up for each stock symbol
for symbol in symbols:
    data[symbol+'_Prediction'] = data['Close'][symbol].shift(-forecast_out)

Training Models

# Create the independent and dependent data sets for each stock symbol and train models
for symbol in symbols:
    X = np.array(data.drop([symbol+'_Prediction'], 1))[:-forecast_out]
    y = np.array(data[symbol+'_Prediction'].dropna())

    # Split the data into 80% training and 20% testing
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

    # Standardize the features for better performance using StandardScaler
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    x_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x_train)
    x_test_scaled = scaler.transform(x_test)

    # Fill NaN values with 0 because PCA contains NaN values, which causes errors
    x_train_scaled = np.nan_to_num(x_train_scaled)
    x_test_scaled = np.nan_to_num(x_test_scaled)

    # Apply PCA for dimensionality reduction
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    x_train_pca = pca.fit_transform(x_train_scaled)
    x_test_pca = pca.transform(x_test_scaled)

    #Linear Regression Model w/ PCA transformed data
    lr = LinearRegression(), y_train)

    #Decision Tree Regressor Model w/ and PCA transformed data
    tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(), y_train)

    #Random Forest Regressor Model w/ PCA transformed data
    forest = RandomForestRegressor(), y_train)

    #Test the models
    lr_confidence = lr.score(x_test_pca, y_test)
    tree_confidence = tree.score(x_test_pca, y_test)
    forest_confidence = forest.score(x_test_pca, y_test)

    print(symbol + " Linear Regression Confidence: ", lr_confidence)
    print(symbol + " Decision Tree Confidence: ", tree_confidence)
    print(symbol + " Random Forest Confidence: ", forest_confidence)

#.iloc is not working
AAPL Linear Regression Confidence:  0.8693749526815797
AAPL Decision Tree Confidence:  0.9081605516537108
AAPL Random Forest Confidence:  0.9468460793945255

MSFT Linear Regression Confidence:  0.8035098620081532
MSFT Decision Tree Confidence:  0.8417873573839362
MSFT Random Forest Confidence:  0.9058770578190273

GOOGL Linear Regression Confidence:  0.8837169010119778
GOOGL Decision Tree Confidence:  0.9285290838698419
GOOGL Random Forest Confidence:  0.9503598628042024

META Linear Regression Confidence:  0.7496966470619988
META Decision Tree Confidence:  0.8259379697861178
META Random Forest Confidence:  0.888153590092148

JFU Linear Regression Confidence:  0.6217064867191909
JFU Decision Tree Confidence:  0.9017686032831084
JFU Random Forest Confidence:  0.8934490293521452


# Correlation Analysis
correlation_matrix = data.corr()
print("Correlation Matrix:")
Correlation Matrix:
                       Adj Close                                          \
                            AAPL     GOOGL       JFU      META      MSFT   
Adj Close        AAPL   1.000000  0.808847 -0.812810  0.181220  0.934111   
                 GOOGL  0.808847  1.000000 -0.555156  0.504299  0.910637   
                 JFU   -0.812810 -0.555156  1.000000 -0.074040 -0.683986   
                 META   0.181220  0.504299 -0.074040  1.000000  0.389772   
                 MSFT   0.934111  0.910637 -0.683986  0.389772  1.000000   
Close            AAPL   0.999870  0.813587 -0.813391  0.191361  0.934948   
                 GOOGL  0.808847  1.000000 -0.555156  0.504299  0.910637   
                 JFU   -0.812810 -0.555156  1.000000 -0.074040 -0.683986   
                 META   0.181220  0.504299 -0.074040  1.000000  0.389772   
                 MSFT   0.927045  0.918937 -0.676471  0.412579  0.999452   
High             AAPL   0.998769  0.810231 -0.816160  0.184809  0.930935   
                 GOOGL  0.811826  0.998975 -0.558605  0.494979  0.910685   
                 JFU   -0.817450 -0.558369  0.997951 -0.070261 -0.687734   
                 META   0.183317  0.505509 -0.076865  0.999045  0.391049   
                 MSFT   0.928521  0.916743 -0.677260  0.404177  0.998250   
Low              AAPL   0.998872  0.814382 -0.811348  0.196924  0.935960   
                 GOOGL  0.806415  0.999039 -0.553560  0.510244  0.908745   
                 JFU   -0.809815 -0.553197  0.998536 -0.077438 -0.681251   
                 META   0.181600  0.504504 -0.075414  0.999107  0.389574   
                 MSFT   0.925591  0.918989 -0.677049  0.419250  0.998011   
Open             AAPL   0.997534  0.810631 -0.814699  0.190835  0.931340   
                 GOOGL  0.806978  0.997748 -0.553972  0.502339  0.907506   
                 JFU   -0.814353 -0.557352  0.996915 -0.075108 -0.684885   
                 META   0.181448  0.503906 -0.075404  0.997885  0.388858   
                 MSFT   0.926294  0.917250 -0.676686  0.411482  0.996508   
Volume           AAPL  -0.624555 -0.549690  0.563616 -0.113204 -0.607588   
                 GOOGL -0.254613 -0.279861  0.267165 -0.216487 -0.259348   
                 JFU   -0.063012 -0.058448 -0.018250  0.084874 -0.078593   
                 META   0.116794 -0.023718 -0.139121 -0.378183  0.018999   
                 MSFT  -0.352783 -0.360663  0.389760 -0.240207 -0.346988   
AAPL_RSI                0.035318  0.000714  0.046900  0.171164  0.083889   
AAPL_MA50               0.946222  0.767983 -0.775098  0.037803  0.857990   
AAPL_MA200              0.702043  0.293582 -0.678744 -0.506567  0.514397   
MSFT_RSI               -0.040280  0.040184  0.122060  0.217570  0.080183   
MSFT_MA50               0.911519  0.900906 -0.621369  0.286948  0.945327   
MSFT_MA200              0.676077  0.475340 -0.472934 -0.379071  0.551254   
GOOGL_RSI              -0.040077  0.066534  0.055768  0.296819  0.042943   
GOOGL_MA50              0.768528  0.955724 -0.476635  0.341690  0.849788   
GOOGL_MA200             0.524766  0.532932 -0.278908 -0.313685  0.468223   
META_RSI                0.027726 -0.059726 -0.037907  0.124645  0.075835   
META_MA50               0.161920  0.575963  0.019252  0.928316  0.383616   
META_MA200             -0.082795  0.661437  0.711459  0.530259  0.187283   
JFU_RSI                 0.040179  0.068153  0.043307  0.094762  0.033651   
JFU_MA50               -0.815882 -0.542873  0.957676 -0.010755 -0.640459   
JFU_MA200              -0.626970 -0.229370  0.613811  0.338345 -0.506549   
AAPL_Prediction         0.905793  0.758888 -0.825721  0.177138  0.896489   
MSFT_Prediction         0.813605  0.826936 -0.656857  0.392515  0.905047   
GOOGL_Prediction        0.746650  0.921140 -0.573907  0.564483  0.866042   
META_Prediction         0.030167  0.314538 -0.060635  0.871229  0.253607   
JFU_Prediction         -0.754602 -0.484465  0.937591 -0.007773 -0.637924   

                           Close                                          ...  \
                            AAPL     GOOGL       JFU      META      MSFT  ...   
Adj Close        AAPL   0.999870  0.808847 -0.812810  0.181220  0.927045  ...   
                 GOOGL  0.813587  1.000000 -0.555156  0.504299  0.918937  ...   
                 JFU   -0.813391 -0.555156  1.000000 -0.074040 -0.676471  ...   
                 META   0.191361  0.504299 -0.074040  1.000000  0.412579  ...   
                 MSFT   0.934948  0.910637 -0.683986  0.389772  0.999452  ...   
Close            AAPL   1.000000  0.813587 -0.813391  0.191361  0.928359  ...   
                 GOOGL  0.813587  1.000000 -0.555156  0.504299  0.918937  ...   
                 JFU   -0.813391 -0.555156  1.000000 -0.074040 -0.676471  ...   
                 META   0.191361  0.504299 -0.074040  1.000000  0.412579  ...   
                 MSFT   0.928359  0.918937 -0.676471  0.412579  1.000000  ...   
High             AAPL   0.998902  0.810231 -0.816160  0.184809  0.924255  ...   
                 GOOGL  0.816498  0.998975 -0.558605  0.494979  0.918760  ...   
                 JFU   -0.817934 -0.558369  0.997951 -0.070261 -0.680005  ...   
                 META   0.193495  0.505509 -0.076865  0.999045  0.413884  ...   
                 MSFT   0.929749  0.916743 -0.677260  0.404177  0.998559  ...   
Low              AAPL   0.998962  0.814382 -0.811348  0.196924  0.929374  ...   
                 GOOGL  0.811206  0.999039 -0.553560  0.510244  0.917164  ...   
                 JFU   -0.810469 -0.553197  0.998536 -0.077438 -0.673875  ...   
                 META   0.191720  0.504504 -0.075414  0.999107  0.412328  ...   
                 MSFT   0.926944  0.918989 -0.677049  0.419250  0.998629  ...   
Open             AAPL   0.997662  0.810631 -0.814699  0.190835  0.924713  ...   
                 GOOGL  0.811743  0.997748 -0.553972  0.502339  0.915825  ...   
                 JFU   -0.814945 -0.557352  0.996915 -0.075108 -0.677350  ...   
                 META   0.191601  0.503906 -0.075404  0.997885  0.411650  ...   
                 MSFT   0.927610  0.917250 -0.676686  0.411482  0.996997  ...   
Volume           AAPL  -0.622801 -0.549690  0.563616 -0.113204 -0.601319  ...   
                 GOOGL -0.256743 -0.279861  0.267165 -0.216487 -0.262104  ...   
                 JFU   -0.060859 -0.058448 -0.018250  0.084874 -0.075658  ...   
                 META   0.113972 -0.023718 -0.139121 -0.378183  0.011195  ...   
                 MSFT  -0.355096 -0.360663  0.389760 -0.240207 -0.349023  ...   
AAPL_RSI                0.037606  0.000714  0.046900  0.171164  0.089516  ...   
AAPL_MA50               0.944717  0.767983 -0.775098  0.037803  0.847132  ...   
AAPL_MA200              0.690636  0.293582 -0.678744 -0.506567  0.485361  ...   
MSFT_RSI               -0.038238  0.040184  0.122060  0.217570  0.088029  ...   
MSFT_MA50               0.912779  0.900906 -0.621369  0.286948  0.943743  ...   
MSFT_MA200              0.672875  0.475340 -0.472934 -0.379071  0.536411  ...   
GOOGL_RSI              -0.037870  0.066534  0.055768  0.296819  0.049627  ...   
GOOGL_MA50              0.773316  0.955724 -0.476635  0.341690  0.857045  ...   
GOOGL_MA200             0.526099  0.532932 -0.278908 -0.313685  0.464190  ...   
META_RSI                0.025280 -0.059726 -0.037907  0.124645  0.072548  ...   
META_MA50               0.174809  0.575963  0.019252  0.928316  0.411357  ...   
META_MA200             -0.060665  0.661437  0.711459  0.530259  0.228475  ...   
JFU_RSI                 0.040680  0.068153  0.043307  0.094762  0.033582  ...   
JFU_MA50               -0.816111 -0.542873  0.957676 -0.010755 -0.629473  ...   
JFU_MA200              -0.612354 -0.229370  0.613811  0.338345 -0.474775  ...   
AAPL_Prediction         0.904094  0.758888 -0.825721  0.177138  0.888316  ...   
MSFT_Prediction         0.813076  0.826936 -0.656857  0.392515  0.902444  ...   
GOOGL_Prediction        0.750773  0.921140 -0.573907  0.564483  0.872800  ...   
META_Prediction         0.037728  0.314538 -0.060635  0.871229  0.272042  ...   
JFU_Prediction         -0.753689 -0.484465  0.937591 -0.007773 -0.628735  ...   

                       META_MA50 META_MA200   JFU_RSI  JFU_MA50 JFU_MA200  \
Adj Close        AAPL   0.161920  -0.082795  0.040179 -0.815882 -0.626970   
                 GOOGL  0.575963   0.661437  0.068153 -0.542873 -0.229370   
                 JFU    0.019252   0.711459  0.043307  0.957676  0.613811   
                 META   0.928316   0.530259  0.094762 -0.010755  0.338345   
                 MSFT   0.383616   0.187283  0.033651 -0.640459 -0.506549   
Close            AAPL   0.174809  -0.060665  0.040680 -0.816111 -0.612354   
                 GOOGL  0.575963   0.661437  0.068153 -0.542873 -0.229370   
                 JFU    0.019252   0.711459  0.043307  0.957676  0.613811   
                 META   0.928316   0.530259  0.094762 -0.010755  0.338345   
                 MSFT   0.411357   0.228475  0.033582 -0.629473 -0.474775   
High             AAPL   0.171637  -0.056573  0.037188 -0.818885 -0.610901   
                 GOOGL  0.570803   0.663344  0.066738 -0.546090 -0.232895   
                 JFU    0.021621   0.692439  0.044026  0.956483  0.616604   
                 META   0.930873   0.535614  0.091859 -0.011031  0.340872   
                 MSFT   0.407087   0.229660  0.030570 -0.630104 -0.478053   
Low              AAPL   0.179355  -0.063893  0.041312 -0.814116 -0.611756   
                 GOOGL  0.580997   0.661590  0.068134 -0.541859 -0.224310   
                 JFU    0.017508   0.726888  0.034514  0.958333  0.603077   
                 META   0.927794   0.528176  0.094965 -0.014675  0.337544   
                 MSFT   0.416506   0.227835  0.033450 -0.630846 -0.470741   
Open             AAPL   0.176439  -0.059073  0.037981 -0.817246 -0.609477   
                 GOOGL  0.577280   0.665574  0.066313 -0.541486 -0.226137   
                 JFU    0.016277   0.713592  0.032099  0.958804  0.612142   
                 META   0.930311   0.533171  0.092231 -0.012607  0.341115   
                 MSFT   0.412755   0.232601  0.029818 -0.629993 -0.472029   
Volume           AAPL  -0.029512   0.311282 -0.115423  0.585409  0.459886   
                 GOOGL -0.151856  -0.042062 -0.000509  0.269240  0.012021   
                 JFU    0.070368  -0.005490  0.199057 -0.031394  0.244835   
                 META  -0.292884  -0.111849 -0.022038 -0.076521 -0.189726   
                 MSFT  -0.155827   0.014748 -0.010755  0.385456  0.002669   
AAPL_RSI                0.004997  -0.083463  0.061414  0.173290 -0.021741   
AAPL_MA50               0.125853  -0.024119  0.064262 -0.834666 -0.659242   
AAPL_MA200             -0.465743  -0.191395 -0.203036 -0.610332 -0.854299   
MSFT_RSI                0.094668  -0.049461  0.125818  0.128754  0.010838   
MSFT_MA50               0.378591   0.334035  0.020917 -0.664905 -0.475025   
MSFT_MA200             -0.250226   0.161366 -0.221518 -0.371834 -0.628478   
GOOGL_RSI               0.143009  -0.062768  0.266579  0.119583  0.129097   
GOOGL_MA50              0.487623   0.701526  0.015801 -0.540144 -0.277905   
GOOGL_MA200            -0.143979   0.361218 -0.222673 -0.154512 -0.477958   
META_RSI               -0.178882  -0.382929  0.213837  0.096464 -0.180302   
META_MA50               1.000000   0.726746  0.075377 -0.025740  0.416205   
META_MA200              0.726746   1.000000 -0.029005  0.808407  0.393725   
JFU_RSI                 0.075377  -0.029005  1.000000 -0.078887  0.139101   
JFU_MA50               -0.025740   0.808407 -0.078887  1.000000  0.585410   
JFU_MA200               0.416205   0.393725  0.139101  0.585410  1.000000   
AAPL_Prediction         0.154719  -0.116911  0.050904 -0.767557 -0.562317   
MSFT_Prediction         0.393056   0.117118  0.116782 -0.571668 -0.458296   
GOOGL_Prediction        0.642517   0.590318  0.119955 -0.507234 -0.164358   
META_Prediction         0.768514   0.307906  0.121921  0.112358  0.293471   
JFU_Prediction          0.157141   0.619181 -0.001170  0.870422  0.631696   

                       AAPL_Prediction MSFT_Prediction GOOGL_Prediction  \
Adj Close        AAPL         0.905793        0.813605         0.746650   
                 GOOGL        0.758888        0.826936         0.921140   
                 JFU         -0.825721       -0.656857        -0.573907   
                 META         0.177138        0.392515         0.564483   
                 MSFT         0.896489        0.905047         0.866042   
Close            AAPL         0.904094        0.813076         0.750773   
                 GOOGL        0.758888        0.826936         0.921140   
                 JFU         -0.825721       -0.656857        -0.573907   
                 META         0.177138        0.392515         0.564483   
                 MSFT         0.888316        0.902444         0.872800   
High             AAPL         0.902242        0.808978         0.747621   
                 GOOGL        0.761884        0.827124         0.920396   
                 JFU         -0.827379       -0.659121        -0.575090   
                 META         0.178862        0.393142         0.566163   
                 MSFT         0.889261        0.901329         0.871056   
Low              AAPL         0.905171        0.816284         0.754114   
                 GOOGL        0.756282        0.825561         0.921340   
                 JFU         -0.823885       -0.654967        -0.573221   
                 META         0.177900        0.393422         0.565503   
                 MSFT         0.887989        0.903551         0.875149   
Open             AAPL         0.901991        0.810980         0.749967   
                 GOOGL        0.756654        0.824351         0.920219   
                 JFU         -0.825333       -0.657569        -0.575928   
                 META         0.176973        0.391980         0.565510   
                 MSFT         0.887448        0.900908         0.872671   
Volume           AAPL        -0.626398       -0.582726        -0.542105   
                 GOOGL       -0.229806       -0.209844        -0.240269   
                 JFU         -0.048769       -0.053369        -0.009978   
                 META         0.099013        0.022033        -0.050103   
                 MSFT        -0.347067       -0.322639        -0.344415   
AAPL_RSI                      0.074507        0.073339        -0.002312   
AAPL_MA50                     0.855150        0.734534         0.689212   
AAPL_MA200                    0.553604        0.311595         0.062163   
MSFT_RSI                      0.008674        0.093762         0.064315   
MSFT_MA50                     0.855360        0.826590         0.830611   
MSFT_MA200                    0.508154        0.284234         0.185333   
GOOGL_RSI                    -0.038234        0.025180         0.026912   
GOOGL_MA50                    0.707865        0.749496         0.868290   
GOOGL_MA200                   0.417426        0.256289         0.255506   
META_RSI                      0.076715        0.084179        -0.047988   
META_MA50                     0.154719        0.393056         0.642517   
META_MA200                   -0.116911        0.117118         0.590318   
JFU_RSI                       0.050904        0.116782         0.119955   
JFU_MA50                     -0.767557       -0.571668        -0.507234   
JFU_MA200                    -0.562317       -0.458296        -0.164358   
AAPL_Prediction               1.000000        0.920492         0.801033   
MSFT_Prediction               0.920492        1.000000         0.915262   
GOOGL_Prediction              0.801033        0.915262         1.000000   
META_Prediction               0.177418        0.411891         0.502900   
JFU_Prediction               -0.798886       -0.634606        -0.519674   

                       META_Prediction JFU_Prediction  
Adj Close        AAPL         0.030167      -0.754602  
                 GOOGL        0.314538      -0.484465  
                 JFU         -0.060635       0.937591  
                 META         0.871229      -0.007773  
                 MSFT         0.253607      -0.637924  
Close            AAPL         0.037728      -0.753689  
                 GOOGL        0.314538      -0.484465  
                 JFU         -0.060635       0.937591  
                 META         0.871229      -0.007773  
                 MSFT         0.272042      -0.628735  
High             AAPL         0.030154      -0.756083  
                 GOOGL        0.304948      -0.488231  
                 JFU         -0.053531       0.932589  
                 META         0.869779      -0.010799  
                 MSFT         0.261974      -0.630449  
Low              AAPL         0.045010      -0.751130  
                 GOOGL        0.320520      -0.481783  
                 JFU         -0.065133       0.937953  
                 META         0.871829      -0.007432  
                 MSFT         0.280288      -0.627680  
Open             AAPL         0.037368      -0.754327  
                 GOOGL        0.312320      -0.483112  
                 JFU         -0.060237       0.933641  
                 META         0.870129      -0.007856  
                 MSFT         0.269696      -0.628188  
Volume           AAPL        -0.086503       0.481669  
                 GOOGL       -0.157585       0.227012  
                 JFU          0.138511      -0.026518  
                 META        -0.352766      -0.179062  
                 MSFT        -0.214908       0.315142  
AAPL_RSI                      0.232205      -0.042733  
AAPL_MA50                    -0.186797      -0.723826  
AAPL_MA200                   -0.605863      -0.745617  
MSFT_RSI                      0.321655       0.096550  
MSFT_MA50                     0.023581      -0.576966  
MSFT_MA200                   -0.575541      -0.568458  
GOOGL_RSI                     0.359674       0.066181  
GOOGL_MA50                    0.076250      -0.408025  
GOOGL_MA200                  -0.517346      -0.425543  
META_RSI                      0.232550      -0.084670  
META_MA50                     0.768514       0.157141  
META_MA200                    0.307906       0.619181  
JFU_RSI                       0.121921      -0.001170  
JFU_MA50                      0.112358       0.870422  
JFU_MA200                     0.293471       0.631696  
AAPL_Prediction               0.177418      -0.798886  
MSFT_Prediction               0.411891      -0.634606  
GOOGL_Prediction              0.502900      -0.519674  
META_Prediction               1.000000      -0.040691  
JFU_Prediction               -0.040691       1.000000  

[50 rows x 50 columns]

Plot correlation matrix with specified threshold

# Filter correlations for 'AAPL' above a threshold
threshold = 0.6
aapl_correlations = correlation_matrix['Close']['AAPL'][correlation_matrix['Close']['AAPL'].abs() > threshold]

# Plot 'AAPL' correlations
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.title('Correlation of AAPL with Other Stocks (Above 0.6)')


Benchmarking performance agaisnt S&P500

# Performance Measurement against S&P 500 Index
benchmark_data ='SPY','2020-01-01','2023-09-01')['Close']
for symbol in symbols:
   correlation_with_benchmark = data['Close'][symbol].corr(benchmark_data)
   print(symbol + " Correlation with S&P 500: ", correlation_with_benchmark)

[******100%%*******] 1 of 1 completed AAPL Correlation with S&P 500: 0.8900998247068898 MSFT Correlation with S&P 500: 0.9329114322662561 GOOGL Correlation with S&P 500: 0.95062462020499 META Correlation with S&P 500: 0.44587757367253394 JFU Correlation with S&P 500: -0.6723668544261696

# Performance measurement
benchmark_corr = [data['Close'][symbol].corr(benchmark_data) for symbol in symbols]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)), benchmark_corr)
plt.title('Correlation with S&P 500')
plt.xlabel('Stock Symbol')


Risk Analysis

# Risk Analysis
for symbol in symbols:
   daily_returns = data['Close'][symbol].pct_change().dropna()
   risk_measure_std_deviation = daily_returns.std()
   print(symbol + " Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): ", risk_measure_std_deviation)

AAPL Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): 0.021819554790903452 MSFT Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): 0.021118552747592577 GOOGL Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): 0.021448103080327605 META Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): 0.030356263394661093 JFU Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns): 0.07520947731438413

# Risk measurement
risk_measure_std_deviation = [data['Close'][symbol].pct_change().dropna().std() for symbol in symbols]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)), risk_measure_std_deviation)
plt.title('Risk Measure (Standard Deviation of Daily Returns)')
plt.xlabel('Stock Symbol')
plt.ylabel('Standard Deviation')


Volatility measure (need to update metrics)

# Calculate daily returns and volatility for each stock symbol
for symbol in symbols:
    # Calculate daily returns
    data[symbol, 'Return'] = data['Close'][symbol].pct_change()

    # Calculate volatility as the standard deviation of returns
    volatility = np.std(data[symbol, 'Return'])

    # Assess volatility
    if volatility < 0.01:
        print(symbol + " is not volatile.")
    elif volatility < 0.02:
        print(symbol + " is moderately volatile.")
        print(symbol + " is very volatile.")

AAPL is very volatile. MSFT is very volatile. GOOGL is very volatile. META is very volatile. JFU is very volatile.

Summary and data visualization

# Summary statistics
for symbol in symbols:

::: Return count 922.000000 mean 0.001233 std 0.021820 min -0.128647 25% -0.009473 50% 0.000776 75% 0.013371 max 0.119808 Return count 922.000000 mean 0.000997 std 0.021119 min -0.147390 25% -0.009659 50% 0.000642 75% 0.012283 max 0.142169 Return count 922.000000 mean 0.000976 std 0.021448 min -0.116341 25% -0.009595 50% 0.001072 75% 0.012120 max 0.092412 Return count 922.000000 mean 0.000843 std 0.030356 min -0.263901 25% -0.012657 50% 0.000683 75% 0.015070 max 0.232824 Return count 922.000000 mean -0.001938 std 0.075209 min -0.338109 25% -0.038044 50% -0.004408 75% 0.025286 max 0.836842

# Plot closing prices over time
for symbol in symbols:
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.title(symbol + ' Closing Prices')

Image Image Image Image Image

# Plot moving averages and RSI over time
for symbol in symbols:
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.plot(data[symbol+'_MA50'], label='50-day MA')
    plt.plot(data[symbol+'_MA200'], label='200-day MA')
    plt.title(symbol + ' Moving Averages')

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.title(symbol + ' RSI')

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

# Compare actual vs predicted prices
for symbol in symbols:
    lr_pred = lr.predict(x_test_pca)
    tree_pred = tree.predict(x_test_pca)
    forest_pred = forest.predict(x_test_pca)

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.plot(y_test, label='Actual')
    plt.plot(lr_pred, label='LR Predicted')
    plt.plot(tree_pred, label='Tree Predicted')
    plt.plot(forest_pred, label='Forest Predicted')
    plt.title(symbol + ' Stock Price Prediction')

Image Image Image Image Image